erau vremuri când rezistam, ajutat şi de discurile de vinil... nu suportam propaganda de la radio sau tv, şi ascultam muzica discurilor de vinil...
am trăit, am supravieţuit, şi cu Nicu Alifantis...
there were times when I was resisting, with the help of vinyl discs... I could not stand for the radio or tv propaganda, and I was listening the vinyl discs music...
I lived, I survived, with Nicu Alifantis too...
a fost o zi în care nu m-am apropiat de lucru...
o zi simplă, în care juniorul m-a condus (la propriu) la Mogoşa, şi am făcut câţiva paşi împreună...
am avut răgaz să văd frumuseţea verdelui... a apei... a adierii... a unei zile simple...
versurile lui Lucian Blaga, purtate de melodia lui Alifantis... acestea mi le-am amintit, păşind prin lumina primăverii...
it was a day I didn't come even close to work...
it was a simple day, the junior drove (literally) to the lake, and we walked a little...
I had the time to see the beauty of green... of water... of breeze... of a simple day...
Lucian Blaga lyrics, carried by Nicu Alifantis' melody... this is what I remembered, walking through the spring light...
vino, primăvara mea!
vino, toată, în sufletul meu...
vino... şi nu te mai las să pleci...
come, my spring!...
come into my soul...
come... and I'll never let you go...
3 comentarii:
"Black Box" has been included in our Sites To See #381. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.
Beautiful and so peaceful...
Great photographing. Very sweet atmosphere.
Greetings and hugs.
From Japan, ruma❃
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