Posted on sâmbătă, septembrie 08, 2012 | 2 comentarii

am trecut din nou prin Verona... de data asta a fost doar o trecere, în drumul spre Milano...
acolo unde Shakespeare a aşezat cuibul iubirii întregii galaxii, fără să vreau, mă opresc... şi rămân pe gânduri...

I went to Verona again... this time it was just a passing by, on the way to Milan...
in the place where Shakespeare put the nest of love of the entire galaxy, I stop... and think over...

nu am ştiut că unele clipe rămân veşnice...
nu am crezut că veacurile se macină atât de uşor...

I didn't know that some moments remain eternal...
I didn't believe that centuries grind so easily...

2 comentarii:

Tone spunea...

Thats was really som contrast. I love those picture. And what a church... Maybe I have to visit Verona :)

Kaya spunea...

Thank you very much for this beautiful tour. I love all these photographs! They are fabulous!

And I listend to Eros Razmazotti Ti Amo and like this beautiful song very much!

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